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A+historic+opportunity:历史+ +机会.pdf

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A+historic+opportunity:历史+ +机会.pdf

上传人:小泥巴 2016/5/7 文件大小:0 KB


A+historic+opportunity:历史+ +机会.pdf



文档介绍:A F rICA boasts almost all kinds of minerals, but most industrial goods, including needles, are imported. There is adequate arable land, abun - dant sunshine, plenty of water and a huge labor force, the main ingredi - ents for agriculture. Yet Africa faces food shortages, South Africa being the exception. My long years of observation tell me what is missing is production capacity, which is of paramount importance to Africa’s sustainable development. So the capacity coop - eration initiative has been tabled at an opportune time and will work out well for the following reasons: First, development strategies between China and Africa are highly aligned. Africa has main - tained an average annual growth of over 5 percent since the turn of the century and e a bright spot in the gloomy world economy. Most African countries are formulating medium- to long-term development plans to speed up their industrializa - tion and agricultural modernization. The African Union has set ambitious and encouraging development goals in its Agenda 2063. All of them are looking for foreign investments and technologies. Since it began reforms and opened up more than three decades ago, China has e the second largest economy in the world and an engine of world economic growth. It is deepening reforms and restruc - turing to transform and upgrade its economy. Chinese enterpr


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