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上传人:wendy 2021/1/17 文件大小:20 KB





导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《简短的小学生英语故事阅读》的内容,具体内容:故事对儿童具有一种特殊的吸引力,生动、有趣的故事能够引起孩子们极大的兴趣。我精心收集了简短的小学生英语故事,供大家欣赏学习!简短的小学生英语故事:惊弓之鸟Duringtheti... 故事对儿童具有一种特殊的吸引力,生动、有趣的故事能够引起孩子们极大的兴趣。我精心收集了简短的小学生英语故事,供大家欣赏学习!
During the time of the Warring States (475-221 BC), there lived a well-known archer named Geng Ying whose art in shooting was excelled by none at his time.
One day, as he was standing by the side of the King of Wei, a flock of swan geese were flying over. With confidence, Geng Ying said to the king, "The twang of my bow-string might bring down a bird." The King doubted much. Just then a solitary swan goose appeared, low and slow in its flight, sad and dolorous in its cry. Instantly Geng Ying bended his bow and forcibly pulled the bowstring. Twang! High up went he shrilling sound into the air and down fell the bird to the ground. The king admired with bewilderment. Gang Ying then explained: "The bird was flying low and slow, because it was already hurt; it was crying in a bitter tone, because it had lost its companions. Due to the fact that it was already hurt and sad at heart, the twang of my strong bow, that birds dreaded most, startled it. The shrilling sound made its heart beat fast, its wings weak, its balance uneven. Thus it fell down just as commonly as a man drops his chop-sticks, at the thunder-st


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