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上传人:梅花书斋 2021/1/17 文件大小:27 KB





科目:成考英语 适用专业班级:全部成考班级
闭卷 考试时间 :100 分钟 满分:100分
专业班级 姓名 学号


1. ____broke down again but luckily they knew how to fix it.
A. Tom’s and Al’s car B. Tom and Al’s cars
C. Tom’s and Al’s cars   D. Tom and Al’s car
2. You must be more Jim. Look, you didn’t write ____.
A. f carefully, careful       B. careful, carefully   C. carefully , carefully D. careful, careful
3. Would you like ____sweets?
A. some   B. any C. much  D. a
4. I often heard him____ that his family was well descended.
A. said  B. say   C. to say   D. says
5. She was ill that day. Otherwise she ____ part in the parade.
A. would take  B. would have taken C. took  D. had taken
6. All he needs to do ____ the form.
A. fill in  B. fills in  C. are to fill in  D. is to fill in
7. There is a bridge ______ the river.
A. on   B. over C. across   D. at
8. It______ for two days and the fields are all under water.
A. rained   B. has been raining C. was raining   D. is raining
9. Written in great haste,______ .
A. Jim made a lot of mistakes in the report B. there are plenty of errors in the report
C. we found several mistakes in his report D. the book is full of errors
10. I have never taken anything______ didn’t belong to me.
A. what   B. who C. that   D. which
11. The children ______ against each other to win yearly scholarship.

A. contest    B. fight C. complete    D. compete
12. Her shoes are similar to _______ you had on yesterday.
A. the one B. the one which C. the ones what  D. the on


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