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淮北矿业集团石台煤矿1.5 Mta新井设计.doc

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淮北矿业集团石台煤矿1.5 Mta新井设计.doc

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淮北矿业集团石台煤矿1.5 Mta新井设计.doc


文档介绍:中 国 矿 业 大 学
姓 名: 学 号:
学 院: 应 用 技 术 学 院
专 业: 采 矿 工 程
设计题目:石 台 煤 矿 Mt/a 新 井 设 计
专 题:复合顶板条件下回采巷道锚杆支护技术
指导教师: 职 称: 副 教 授
年 月 徐州
摘 要
石台矿区位于距离淮北市中心东约15 km,矿区对外交通便利。区内地势较为平坦, km, km。 km2。井田可采煤层4# m,。煤层倾角平均为13°。 Mt, Mt/a,服务年限为64a。
石台矿工作制度为“三、八”制,一面保产。开拓方式为立井两水平开拓,水平标高分别为-250 m,-700 m。矿井主井采用箕斗提煤,副井采用罐笼作为辅助提升。工作面采用走向长壁采煤法,采用集中布置,工作面斜长196 m,采煤工艺为大采高一次采全高。运输大巷采用胶带运输, t固定式矿车运输。矿井采用采区式通风,主扇工作方式为抽出式。
关键词: 立井开拓; 综合机械化采煤工艺; 大采高; 走向长壁采煤法; 锚网梁支护。
This design contains three parts: the general part, the special part and the translated part.
Huaibei mining bureau whose production capacity is has ten chapters as follows: the outline of mine and mine field geology, boundary and reserves, working system and productive capacity and service life, development method of the mine, the main roadways, coal mining method and layout or roadways in working area, transportation of underground, mine lifting, mine ventilation and safety, main technique—economic induces.
Shitai Huaibei mining area is located in the city center from the east about 15 ㎞, outbound traffic to facilitate the mining area. Relatively flat topography of the region, the length of mine to km, tilt the direction of long km. An area of km2. Mine coal seam to coal seam thickness of 4# m,. Seam inclination averaged 13°. Recoverable reserves for the mine , the design production capacity of new wells / a, length of service for 64 year.
The working system is “3-8”. one productive places meet the requirement. The mode of development about the mine is shaft developm