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上传人:kunpengchaoyue 2021/1/18 文件大小:637 KB





文档介绍:基于 AC3 的虚拟环绕声实现
题目名称:基于 AC3 的虚拟围绕声实现
年 级: 2003 级 学生学号: 20035303 学生姓名:黄小宝 学生单位:信息工程学院 学生专业:通信工程
"本科 □专科
技术职称:助教 教师单位:信息工程学院
基于 AC3 的虚拟围绕声实现
摘要:Dolby 、 声音 质量较高、编码效率最高的一种音频编码模式。基于 AC3 的虚拟围绕声系 统能够满足人们在不承诺布置多个扬声器的情形对围绕声音质的要求,而 且简化了系统,降低了消费;它专门适用于耳机这类只有两个扬声器的设 备。本文论述了用软件实现虚拟围绕声的两种途径,即用 Matlab 和 C 语言 编程来仿真 声道虚拟围绕声重放。用 Matlab 进行虚拟围绕声的仿真是 通过对 AC3 音频文件解码后得到的六个声道信号进行虚拟围绕声滤波处 理。 C 程序设计将多通道虚拟围绕声处理技术与 AC3 解码程序相结合,实
。Matlab和C语言的实现结果 通过标准布置的左、右两个扬声器播放,在正确的听音位置进行试听,能 够感受到声音有明显的空间感和立体感,实现结果良好。
关键词:虚拟围绕声; Dolby AC3;HRTF;AC3 解码器
Virtual Reproduction of Surround Sound Based on AC3
Abstract : The model of channel audio supplied by Dolby AC3 i s widely used. The quality of channel audio is good, and the coding efficiency of the coding model is the highest at present. The System of t he Virtual Reproduction of Surround Sound based on AC3 will be able to meet people's requirement of the higher quality of surround sound, whil e it is not allowed to place more speakers due to the limited conditions, and it could simplify the system and reduce the consumption. It is especi ally fit to the equipments that have only two speakers, such as headphone s. This paper discussed the two methods of making virtual surround soun d come true, ., use Matlab and C language to simulate the virtual repr oduction of AC3 channel surround sound. Because of processing the s ix channels signal of AC3 by using the virtual surround sound filtering te chnology, the simulation of the virtual reproduction of surround sound un der Matlab comes true. While programming by C language, The System o f the Virtual Reproduction of Surround Sound based on AC3 comes true by combining the virtual surround sound filtering technology and AC3 de coder. While the results of Matlab program and C language program be p layed by two speakers that placed at the standard position, you co