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电大大学英语B考试-完形填空 精编完整版.docx

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电大大学英语B考试-完形填空 精编完整版.docx

上传人:mkjafow 2021/1/18 文件大小:21 KB


电大大学英语B考试-完形填空 精编完整版.docx


文档介绍:1.There were once three sons of a wealthy businessman. 21 they met, the two eldest, who were twins, 22 to quarrel about which of them should be his father’s heir(继承人). The youngest, who was not 23 ambitious (野心勃勃的), took no part in their argument. 21-25 BBCCD 26-30 BABDA
21. A. whatever B. whenever C. wherever D. however
22. A. are used B. used C. using D. are using
23. A. at least B. at most C. in the least D. in the most
2.Many students find the experience of attending university lectures to be a confusing and frustrating experience. The lecturer speaks for one or two hours, perhaps 21 the talk with slides, writing up important information on the blackboard, 22 reading material and giving 24 become hard even for the students to understand.
21. A. extending B. illustrating C. performing D. conducting
22. A. attributing B. contributing C. distributing D. explaining
23. A. suspects B. understands C. wonders D. convinces
21-25 BCCDA 26-30 ACADC
3.One day when Jamie came home after school, his mother had on her worry face. He knew she was thinking of 21 “It’s bad out there. Black clouds are coming from the sea,” Jamie said. “ Yes. I’m thinking of those fishing boats at sea,” she said. 21-25 DDCAB 26-30 BCCAB
21. A. the wind B. the clouds C. the rain D. the weather
22. A. Jamie