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文档介绍:Intelligence Manufacture——智能制造【中英文对照】
Intelligence Manufacture
The intelligence technique of manufacture is refers using the computer simulation marks intelligent activities such as expert’s analysis, judgment, inference, idea and decision-making and so on, and fuses organically these intelligent activity and the intelligent machine, applies its penetration in entire manufacture enterprise’s each subsystem (. management decision-making, purchase, product design, productive plan, manufacture, assembly, quality assurance and market sale and so on).Realizes the entire manufacture enterprise to manage the operation highly flexibility and integration, thus substitutes or extends in the manufacture environment expert’s partial mental labor, and carries on the collection, the memory, the consummation, sharing, the inheritance and the development of the manufacturing industry expert’s intelligent information, enhances the production efficiency enormously and the advanced technique of manufacture.
The intelligent manufacture system is refers based on IMT (intelligent manufacturing technology), by the computer synthesis application artificial intelligence technology (. artificial neural networks, genetic algorithm and so on), the intelligence manufacture machine, the agent technology, the parallel projects, the life sciences and the systems engineering


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