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上传人:changjinlai 2021/1/20 文件大小:21 KB





文档介绍:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 名校名师推荐 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
课时作业 (一 ) [必修 1 Unit 1 Friendship]
(限时: 40 分钟 )
Ⅰ .多项选择
1. As the quality of the city's air continues to give rise to ________, the residents are
encouraged to set off fewer fireworks.
A . concerns B. compromises
C. descriptions D. emergencies
2 . The visitors would be most ________ if you could confirm these arrangements
A . grateful B . disappointed
C. encouraged D. reluctant
3.— So you didn't say hello to him last night?
— Well, I stopped and smiled when I saw him, but he ________ me and walked on with his head very high.
A . ignored B. refused
C. recognized D . missed
4. Share prices on the stock exchange fell sharply in the morning but ________ slightly in the
A . restored B .recovered
C. regained D. remained
5. Have you ________ your things, Bob? The train is leaving at 2 : 30 this afternoon, so we
don't have too much time.
A . added up B. hidden away
C. set down D. packed up
6.The naughty boy is a bit hard to deal with ,which ________ the trouble adapting to the new
A . makes for B .adds to
C. contributes to D. devotes to
7. On our journey to Australia last summer, our luggage was ________ at the customs. We
were not allowed to carry food such as meat and vegetables.
A . looked thro


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