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上传人:glfsnxh 2021/1/20 文件大小:2.16 MB




文档介绍:摘 要
本网上购物系统是一个基于Internet,采用B2C(Business to Consumers)模式,并根据现有网上购物系统的现状而设计开发的电子商务网站。它不但可以扩大商家的规模和市场影响力,而且可以减少企业的经营成本,提高工作效率。
关键词 B/S结构,JavaBean,JSP,超市购物
The shop online system is a electronic commercial platform which has been designed according to the situation of shop online system based on Internet with B2C mode. It can not only enhance the scale of shopping centre and market influence, and can also reduce the enterprise’s running cost, improve work efficiency.
The thesis has firstly introduced the practical situation and the developing background of the system. And then has described the designing goal、system need and the whole designing plan, has described the detailed design and reality of the system in detail. Finally, conclusion has been drawn about the system and problem has also been raised.
The system has mainly provided users with the following functions:membership registration、shopping car management、goods search、information modify etc. It has also provided managers with goods management、customer information management、news management 、ad management and so on. It has been designed with B/S mode of three-tier structure, JSP technology in dynamic page design. Considering from the security and reusing code of the system, key codes has been secured by JavaBean technology. My SQL database has been used as the background database.
Key Words B/S structure, JavaBean, JSP, Supermarket shopping
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪 论 1
系统开发背景 1
系统的研究现状 1
系统实现的目标 2
系统的开发意义 2
第2章 系统分析 4
网站的设计目标 4
网站的可行性分析 4
网站的深入调查 5
网站设计的特点 5
网站的设计思想 5
网站设计的总体原则 6
第3章 系统相关技术 7
系统开发技术的选择 7
JSP技术 7