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文档介绍:Last scanner control system development熟哥亚步婪纶骱卸麾瘀渠营遮
1 Introduction 嬴嚷遇谜伴臼铁置蓖波妯吨悖
In the global footwear industry, which has been China's footwear industry is. A short period of 10 years, China has risen remarkably, to the world's largest footwear producer and exporter. The rapid development of the footwear industry was driven by the shoe last industry, more and more shoe styles, and also requires constant renovation shoe last, which led to the shoe last from durable goods become consumables. Mechanical shoe last copying machine is used for processing principle, it implements the shoe last of the production process, bringing the shoe last, the rapid development of industry. But mechanical shoe last machine also has its inevitable drawbacks: First, from the product perspective, it processed by the upper sides of the shoe last, the more obvious Weijidao longitudinal marks, shoe last very smooth, as this request increasing the shoe-making industry, it is unable to meet the requirements of Secondly, mechanical machines in the shoe last of shoe last zoom, manual adjustment of the workforce to use their experience machines, which require workers relatively high; again, and most important, the traditional processing methods unable to establish workpiece size of the document, they can not do anything to modify the shape. 噬赳聃婢戍丝棚叫胰站沽拜刁
1 引言冀楦踯乖贫远鼠汤祭协洋凋度
2 NC-shoe last two figures of reverse engineering system 徽莺笋磉癯边菹渠氩丶僦枷吨
Last CNC machine can be avoided mechanical shoe last machine shortcomings. CNC machine using digital shoe last of the reverse engineering system, the digital system in the reverse engineering of t