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文档介绍:A teaching plan for
Unit 8 How was your school trip?
Section B (1a-2c)
I Analysis of Teaching Material
This is the fourth period of Unit 8. It mainly talks about the events that happened in the past. In this period, students should grasp the new words and phrases like drive、off、sleep late、day off、go for a drive….Master the past tense of the verbs , learn to use the past tense to talk about the events in the past and use some adjectives to show their feelings.
II Analysis of students
The students have learned “ Did you go to…?” and “Were there any…?” in Section A. So in this period it’s not difficult for them to use “the past tense” to talk about the events in the past. And the activities we talk about are close to the students’ daily life, they will take great interest in learning this period.
III Aims and Demands
1. Knowledge Aims
a. Key words: day off, sleep late, go for a drive, rain
b. target Language: I went to the park.
I didn’t go to the ….
That sounds boring/ interesting/ wonderful…
2. Ability Aims
a. To develop the students’ listening and speaking skills.
b. To use past tense to talk about the events in the past.
3. Moral Aims
Do their favorite activities while spending holiday. Enjoy their life to make themselves happy.
IV Key and Difficult Points
1. Key Points:
a. News and phrases: da