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文档介绍:本 科 毕 业 论 文
题 目 一种川味苦荞芽菜的开发研制
学院(部) 生物产业学院  
专 业 食品质量与安全  
学生姓名 刘 辉  
学 号 3 年级 2009
指导教师 赵 江 林 职称 讲 师
2013年 5 月 27日

专 业:食品质量与安全 学 号:3
学 生: 刘 辉 指导教师:赵江林
摘要:苦荞麦是一种具有很好营养价值和保健功能的药食同源作物。本研究以优质苦荞为原料,进行了新型功能蔬菜-川味苦荞芽菜的开发研制。首先建立了苦荞芽菜的生长动态曲线,结果表明苦荞芽在生长至10~12天时为适宜采收时间,,,黄*** mg/g。然后利用单因素方差法和正交试验设计对川味苦荞芽菜的制作工艺进行了筛选优化。分别确定出了苦荞芽菜的硬化条件:% ***% 的***化钠溶液中浸泡30min;杀青条件:%%的抗坏血酸溶液中,100℃下处理3min;调料配方为:100g苦荞芽菜,,,5g辣椒油,。然后将其装袋密封,在60~65℃巴氏杀菌30min中即可得到“川味苦荞芽菜”。该产品营养丰富,适口性好,且具有一定的保健功能。本研究结果为川味苦荞芽菜的开发生产奠定了基础,同时也有利于苦荞芽的进一步开发利用。
关键词: 苦荞麦;苦荞芽;黄***类物质;生产工艺;功能食品
Development on a kind of Sichuan flavor vegetable of Tartary buckwheat sprouts
Specialty:Food Quality and Safety Student Number:4
Student:Liu Hui Supervisor:Zhao Jiang lin
Abstract: Tartary buckwheat is a pronounced medicinal and edible plant with high nutritional value and healthy function. The purpose of this study was to develop on a novel kind of functional vegetable-Sichuan flavor of tartary buckwheat sprouts. At first, the time courses of sprout growth and flavonoids accumulation was established, and the maximum fresh weight of buckwheat sprout was about sprouts when the cultured on days 10~12. Corresponding, the sprouts dry weight was sprouts. And the highest flavonoid of buckwheat sprouts was mg/g obtained on day 11. Moreover, the processing technology of Sichuan flavor vegetable of tartary buckwheat was optimized through the one-way ONOVA method and orthogonal design test. The optimal processing conditions were determined as follows, Hardening: immerging the buckwheat sprouts into % CaCl2 and % NaCl solutions for 30 min; Killing out: soaking the sprouts in 0