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文档介绍:摘 要
In our country, the wood manufacture industry inspect the shape and the volume of the log by manual work. Estimate log’s outer shape with eyes, and then label them before throwing into processing. People uses tape and caliper to confirm a log’s length and diameter of the section, and look for it in the manual to obtain one log’s volume. By accumulating all the volume of the log, the number of the stock can be gotten The work of inspecting the log by manual is very heavy. In this paper, the theory of the eight point inspection and the four point compounding simulation are presented. So we can quickly measure and get the log’s external shape parameter accurately on-line with the automatic inspecting technique and computer stimulating technique. The equipment can enhance work efficiency.
Based on the relativity of log shape and production, the design theory and method of log’s shape inspecting equipment are discussed. At the same time, the theoretical basis for design and manufactury is provided in this paper. Log inspection technique is recognized increasingly by lumbering. The equipment designed in this paper is a sort of experiment facility and also there are many question and juvenility. All these will accelerate researching work for the future.
Keywords: Log Shape;Identify;Automatic Inspection;Shape Identify;Regression
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
概述 1
国内和国外原木检测机设备的发展分析 1
本课题研究的目的和意义 4
选题的研究内容和设计设想 5
第2章 原木检测机总体设计 6
原木检测机总体原理介绍 6
原木检测机设计原理 6


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