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上传人:花双韵芝 2021/1/20 文件大小:17 KB





文档介绍:There is a cheap ___________ hotel near the harbor. (tour)
“ How do you come to know it ?” I asked in ___________ . (surprise)
At the ___________ is a big telescope through which scientists study
the stars. (observe)
How good is the ___________ of these machines? (technological)
Your words sound ___________. (reason)
6. It ’ s strange that there is no ___________ garden in this city. (botany)
She was well ___________ as an excellent dancer. (know)
It ’s awful to cross such a ___________ bridge. (float)
The professor has an extensive knowledge of ___________ history. (Orient)
John enjoyed seeing the ___________ in New York. (see)
The restaurant is one of his favorite ___________. (resort)
The taxicab ___________ the city streets in search of passengers. (cruise)
Inventions make ___________ advances possible. (technology)
He wrote the report under the ___________ of the manager. (guide)
This program is for our younger ___________. (view)
He ___________ one or two books, which we might buy. (suggestion)
He did a lot of ___________ when he was young. (travel)
You shouldn ’t come to such a ___________ hastily. (decide)
John was ___________ against James for the prize in mathematics. (competition)
My uncle is a ___________ of aircraft engines. (design)
I have a lot of ___________ which take up my time. (act)
Long ago,


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