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上传人:changjinlai 2021/1/21 文件大小:35 KB




制卷者:Chen Xiaorong
(2013 年 12 月)
姓名: 班级:
一. 单项选择 (共

15 小题,计

15 分)

)1. He often practices

English with his friends.
A. speaks

B. speak

C. speaking

D. to speak

)2. . The two men walked _________ the forest 深(林 )and

dessert(沙漠) .
Finally, they got to a small village.
A. across , though

B. through, cross

C. cross, though

D. though, across

)3. . Cotton(棉花)

______ nice and soft.
A. is felt

B. is feeling

C. feel

D. feels

)4. –What would you like

to eat , apples or bananas ?
is ok. I don’tmind.

A. Both B. All C. Either D. Neither
)5. –What if it tomorrow ?
- I think if it , we have to stay at home
A. rains, will rain B. will rain, rains C. will rain, will rain D. rains, rains
)6. He used to in the morning. But now he is used to after supper.
A. walking , walk B. walk , walk C. walk , walking D. walking, walks
)7. If I a bird , I fly in the sky freely.
A. am , will B. were , will C. was , would D. were , would
)8. –What did you do yesterday afternoon ?
- I watched Lang Lang the piano in the symphony hall. It’s wonderful.
A. play B. played C. to play D. plays
)9. I don’tthink