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文档介绍:Unit 1 Language and Culture in Communication
Theory Communication is something we do every day. It takes place so naturally that we simply fail to notice it until it hiccups or breaks down. Though it is commonplace, it is no exaggeration to say that communication is life and life is communication.
you join a social gathering, you must be aware of rules and procedures that govern the way things are going to proceed. There is a technical term for such rules and procedures—schema.
2. Face and politeness are two other areas which are extremely value—sensitive. One of the distinctive features of Chinese politeness is self—denigration and other—elevation.
Case 1: Litz is a professor of cross—cultural communication in a university in Finland. She invited her Chinese students home for an evening party.
The schema from Litz’s point of view includes the following:
1.?????? Giving invitation: by phone / by mail
2.?????? Prepare everything before the arrival of guests
3.?????? Receiving guests: open the door / express welcome / take their overcoats / introduce guests / offer them drinks / make them comfortable
4.?????? Serving food: set the table / soup first / main course / desert
5.?????? Post dinner activities: chat / play music / offer more drinks
6.?????? Seeing guests off: thank them for coming / good night
Litz’s evening party was not very successful, because she was upset by one of her guests. Here was the initial conversation between Litz and Lin:
Litz: (opens the door) Oh, Lin, how nice you could come!
Lin: It’s not difficult to find your house.
Litz: Come on in.
Lin: (comes in)
Litz: Can I take your coat?
Lin: No, thanks.
Litz: Ok, this way please.
Lin: (take off her coat and hangs it)
Analysis: Litz was hurt because Lin did not let her hang her coat. Litz’s offering to hang Lin’s coat is one of Litz’s ways (it’s on Litz’s schema). On Lin’s side, she thought that Litz was her supervisor and that it was inappropriate to let her superviso