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上传人:iris028 2021/1/23 文件大小:128 KB




He was a brave man.
He decided to return to France.
He was a brave man so he decided to
return to France
Being a brave man ,he decided to return
to France.
He was a brave man and he decided to return
to France.
v-ing(phrase), main clause
main clause, v-ing (phrase)
First he returned to France.
Then he was put into prison.
After he returned to France,he was put into prison.
After returning to France,he was put into prison.
Having returned to France,he was put into prison.
如果分词表示的动作发生在谓语所表示的动作之前, 用下列结构:
having done, main clause
main clause, having done
He cut off the electricity,preventing a fire accident.
He cut off the electricity and prevented a
fire accident.
Being ill,he can’t come to school.
Having finished his homework,he went to bed.
Because he is ill,he can’t come to school.
After he finished his homework,he went to bed.
The dog came in,following its master.
The dog came followed its master.
上列句中 现在分词的逻辑主语为主句的主语。
Hearing the news,he jumped with joy.
He jumped with joy when he heard the news.
Time permitting, I will stay in Shanghai
for two more days.
If time permits,I will stay in Shanghai for
two more days.

being ill, we’d better take her to hospital.
permitting, we’ll go to some shopping.
failing in t


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