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文档介绍:本科毕业论文中文题目: 图式理论在提高中国学生英语阅读能力中的作用外文题目: The Function of Schema Theory in Improving the Chinese Students ’ EFL Reading Ability 院系××××××× 专业×××××× 年级××××××× 学号××××××× 学生××××××× 指导教师××××××× 结稿日期××××××× 四川外语学院教务处制 i 论宗教在地区冲突中的角色(空一行) 摘要: 二战结束以后, 世界范围的战争彻底结束了。战后, 世界经济得到迅猛发展, 几次工业革命正在不断改变和提高着人们的生活。然而,在看似平静和繁荣的全球背景之下,在各个地区的力量中心依旧战火不断。这引来了学术界的激烈争论,最著名的当属以《文明冲突论》的作者亨廷顿为代表的学派。该派学者认为,冷战结束后,由于对宗教和传统文化的狂热追求和强烈的文化归属感,地区冲突的主要原因已不再是政治,经济,军事或外交,而是以宗教为划分基础的文明之间的冲突。然而笔者认为,事实并非如此。论文首先从理论的角度分析了各大宗教派别信仰的相似之处, 即和平、包容, 证明宗教本身共存的可能性。随后作者阐述了伊斯兰教的特征及原教旨主义运动的发展,论述了激进组织和极端分子不应被视为宗教的代表,甚至从某种意义上说, 不能被认为是宗教的一部分。最后,本文又通过透彻的案例分析对产生当前各主要地区冲突(如伊朗问题,巴以冲突等)的原因进行分析,说明了军事和经济等因素在地区冲突中所占位置。由此作者得出结论,宗教是地区冲突的原因之一,但并非主要原因。通过本文的写作,笔者表达了对当前流行的文明冲突派观点的不赞同,希望经过深入的分析和细致的举例,达到证明宗教并非冲突之源的目的。事实是,宗教是我们人类历史的灿烂瑰宝,应与以保护,并不断使之发扬光大。(空一行) 关键词: 宗教;文明冲突;极端分子;地区冲突根源黑体,小二,居中黑体,五号,加粗黑体,五号,加粗宋体,五号,行文采用20 磅行距 3-5 个关键词,各关键词间用分号间隔论文摘要页, 页码采用小写罗马字母编排 ii On the Role of Religion in Regional Conflicts (空一行) Abstract (空一行) Since the end of the Second World War, the world economy has been greatly developed. However, under the background of global prosperity , regional conflicts and wars are still going on. This leads to the intense controversy among scholars. The most influential party is represented by Samuel P. Huntington , who states his standpoint in his book The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, published in1996 . These scholars believe after Cold War, politics, or economy isno longer the root of conflicts. Instead, due to the global enthusiasm towards religions and civilizations and the increasing senses of cultural belonging, clash between religion-based civilizations es the main cause. But, the author believes on the contrary. In the first part of the paper, the author pares the similarities of the faiths of some major religions and then provides evidence to show that extremists cannot be taken as representatives, even part of religions. Then, through case studies, the author explain in detail many other causes