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上传人:AIOPIO 2021/1/25 文件大小:34 KB




a piece of cake 轻松的事       
a wet blanket   枯燥,让人扫兴
all thumbs 笨拙            
as bright as a button  聪明极了
as cool as a cucumber  极其冷静       
as easy as ABC  非常容易
as easy as pie  易如反掌         
as hard as nails 冷酷无情,铁石心肠
as hungry as a lion  极其渴望得到  
as light as a feather 很轻盈
as poor as a church mouse  一贫如洗 
as proud as a peacock  十分骄傲
as sharp as a spear  聪明,思路敏捷  
as sly as a fox  非常狡猾
as tall as a tree 非常高           
be a weed 软弱,懦弱
be at odds  有矛盾,合不来     
be blessed with brains 很聪明
be green with envy  嫉妒      
be in the same boat  处于同样境地
be tickled pink  非常开心           
be white as a sheet  惨白如纸
black and blue 青一块紫一块    
then and there  立即
black is white and white is black. 黑白颠倒
burn the midnight oil  开夜车,挑灯夜战  
call black white  颠倒黑白
cast iron nerves 坚定的意志    
dark horse   黑马
down in the dumps 气馁,沮丧         
eat like a bird 食量很小
feel blue  忧郁                     
feet of clay 内在缺陷
fly off the handle/ hit the roof/ceiling 勃然大怒    
green fingers 擅长
hand and foot 完全,周到,全方位  
hot under the collar 愤怒的,恼火的
have butterflies in your stomach 心慌,紧张
in the black有盈余
in the red 财政赤字         
kill the fatted calf 设宴欢迎
laugh one’s head off  大笑        
off the top of your