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上传人:读书百遍 2021/1/25 文件大小:2 MB





文档介绍:It’s reported that tickets for Shanghai Disneyland have been booked-out for the first 2 weeks after the theme park opens to the public next month.
Tourists who want to visit the park in Pudong New District can still book tickets for later dates including July, August and September.
Nearly a million people have already visited the Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts Zone, the home of Shanghai Disneyland, as part of a 23 trial operation period.
110 thousand visited during the 3-day May Day holiday period at the beginning of this month.
Visitors are being advised to use public transport to reach the new resort. The Disney Station on Shanghai’s Metro Line 11 has been up and running since the end of April.
Shanghai Disney Resort is set to open on June 16. It is Disney’s sixth resort destination worldwide - the 5 other parks are located in California, Florida, Tokyo, Paris and Hong Kong.
Shanghai Disney Resort will feature new attractions not seen at the five other Disney resorts worldwide, including a Magic Kingdom-style theme park with six different "lands," two themed hotels, Disneytown -- a huge shopping district, and Wishing Star Park.
Shanghai Disney Resort has revealed its ticket prices for Disneyland claiming the lowest of all 12 Disney parks and six resorts in the world.
Shanghai Disneyland ticket prices are set at 499 yuan (75 dollar) for the grand opening period (June 16-30, 2016) and regular price at 370 yuan. Its regular price for a one-day ticket is lower than its peers in Hong Kong, which is priced at 539 yuan and the Disneyland in Tokyo in Japan at 374 yuan. The regular price for a one-day ticket at the two parks in Los Angeles is $139.
Special pricing will be provided to categorized guests: children ( and below), seniors (65 years old and above) and guests with disabilities will receive discounts of 25


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