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上传人:书犹药也 2021/1/29 文件大小:24 KB






  unforgetable experience
  once i changed my attitude toward everything, i recognized my world, my future and myself. it happened when my friends and i had almost finished our last academic year and were invited by our lovely and friend like teachers to an amazing trip, to issykkul, the pearl of kyrgyz land. about five of my best friends and i were going to the breathtaking places of our motherland where we decided to have an unforgettable days of our life.
  it was usual shiny day when we were about to leave our lyceum and get to the long road that was passing through the high and mighty mountains of “kyrgyz jeri”. and when we were on the way to tam chi, a fertile garden village of wooden chocolatebox cottages and shady, poplarlined avenues, my teacher said with his funny voice, ?listen everybody! now we are on the way to issykkul, and i want you not to sleep on first mission of our summer vacation because you could not realize the beauty of nature and compose an essay on your final exam. and some of us really didn’t sleep after his funny advice, trying to get a real pleasure from staring at the grand mountains. but during the way the others of us were just listening the music, joking to each other and flying in their dreams. finally, we reached the place where everyone changed their face and had a big smile, which showed that all of us were really pleased of seeing our magic lake. after some times later, we got into our nest! and then had first unforgettable dinner near the lake and under the thousands of blazing stars, which reminded us that we were in paradise. and it was indeed amazing? on the next day, after having a wonderful breakfast, we went to the beach for swimming and having a sunbath. when i saw the warm and silk like soft water that was attracting all of us, i rushed to it and noticed that not only i was running like a wild animal, but all my friends did the same as well. the water is excellent, said one of us. yeah, it is, repl


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