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上传人:读书百遍 2021/1/29 文件大小:15 KB






  first of all, we must cultivate students' interest in english study. let students in learning to find joy in joy in the interest of interest, found in the determination of decision and perseverance, namely train drivers + + to + perserve = interest. of course started to learn english, don't be too hard. guiding students from the simple, funny, funny began to enable students to find suitable for their interest in learning. and they decide to "light" surveys. and allow students to go wrong, don't pursue every word is correct. ,
  secondly, the students have interest, help them to plan. watch english materials and listen to english radio, looking for learning environment, life is much, learn english and have much broader, take every chance to exposure to english. in class, students try to speak in english, usually between classmates exchange, encourage students to use english, don't be afraid of making mistakes the wrong. to establish weekly learning new words in the target, the vocabulary, records recorded all sorts of new words and phrases. because learning english must have vocabulary as the foundation, will play a protracted war, remembering words to guerrilla warfare. can make them more "to" surveys.
  learning english as friends, in different occasions contact might remember, not isolated words and remember its neighbors. it is necessary to guide studen


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