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文档介绍:Unit 8 Celebrating Me!
Lesson 47
I Made It!
Teaching aims

loser 失败者
fail 失败,不及格
misspelled 拼错的
accept 接受;承认
Award 奖状;奖品
1 notice sb doing 注意某人正在做某事
notice sb do sth 注意某人做了某事
3 fail in sth在某方面失败
fail to do sth 做某事失败了
4 agree with sth赞成某人的意见
agree to do sth 同意某人做某事
5 give up 放弃
of 因为
7. end…with: 以 … 结束 before the end of the school year在这学期结束之前
to do sth : 如何做某事
9. look sad : 看起来难过
10 learn how to spell words: 学会怎样拼写单词
11 accept the chanlenge:接受挑战
12 receive sth from sb:从某人哪里得到某物
13. by oneself 独自
-improved Student Award最大进步奖
15. on the last day of 在…的最后一天
Listen to the dialogue and tick the correct answers.
1. How does the boy feel?
He feels excited. He feels nervous.
are the two speakers?
A student and a teacher. A girl and her aunt.
did Cindy do on her homework?
She didn't do well. She did an excellent job.
many days are there before the end of the term.
Seven days. Seven weeks.

Read the lesson and complete the passage.
agree present notice fail accept
Peter came from English exam because he spelled too many words wrong. His friend Krista_________that."If I can spell, you can spell,too,"said Krista. Peter didn't _________because English wasn't his first language.
Krista helped Peter make a study challenge,and he worked very hard.
On the last day of school,Miss Martin___________the Most-Improved Student Award to Peter. His spelling was perfect in the last felt so thanked makes perfect! It always works.
1. Peter accepted the challenge.
accept 接受
He has accepted our invitation.
I can't accept your advice in this matter.
Receive and accept
Receive 表示客观上收到,accept 表示主观上接受。
This morning _________ some flowers, but she