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文档介绍:Module 11 Unit 1 知识点及随堂练 1. how about sth / doing sth 某事怎样、做某事怎样 2. too many + 可数 n. (复数) 太多 too much + 不可数 n. much too +adj. 3. enough space =enough room 足够的空间,位置 4. an increasing population 不断增长的人口 5. along with = together with 连同……一起 6. look up 查找,查寻 7. the population of ……的人口是 What ’s the population of…?…有多少人? 表示人口多用 large; 表示人口少用 small 8 20 percent 百分之二十 9 toward=towards 向着, 介词 10. come up 到来, 出现(无被动语态) come up with sth. 找到或提出(答案,办法) come up with sb. 赶上某人 11. thanks to=with the help of 多亏…… 12 present the prizes 颁奖 13a crowd of 一群 14 take up 占据一、 CD 层 M11U1 完成句子( 答案从对应号码的知识点中找) 1. 一杯咖啡怎么样? _______________ a cup of coffee ? 2. 这台洗衣机发出太大噪音,我不得不停止使用它。 The washing machine made __________________________noise. I had to stop using it. 3. 将来将没有足够的空间。 There is not _____________________in the future. 4. 不断增长的人口是一个环境________________________is an environmental problem. 5. 玛丽和父母一起已经搬到巴黎去了。 Mary, ________________ her parents moved to Paris already. 6. 请查一下去里兹的快车。 Please ____________________ a fast train to Leeds. 7. 中国的人口是多少? _________________________________ China? re than 80 __________ of the students go to school by bike. A. percents B. percent 10. 如果他一出现, 我马上打电话给你。 If he ___________________________, I’ ll call you. 11. (1) 多亏了你的建议, 我才获得了那份工作。___________________ your advice, I got the job. (2) 由于下了场雨, 今天凉快多了。_____________the heavy rain, it’s much cooler today. 12. 谁 会颁奖? Who is