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文档介绍:立项编号: 120 安阳市金融生态环境问题研究课题主持人: 屈小华主持人电话: ********** 课题组成员: 张莎莎、樊尊课题完成单位: 安阳师范学院人文管理学院二〇一三年八月二十五日 2012 年安阳市社科规划课题:自选课题 I 摘要为了解决中国存在的金融风险等问题,央行行长周小川于 200 4 年首次正式提出“金融生态”的概念, 随后金融生态问题就成为国内经济学界的研究热点之一。金融是城市经济的血脉, 金融生态是城市发展的根基。一定意义上讲, 金融生态就是竞争力, 提升城市竞争力, 必须先搞好金融生态问题。本文研究的重点就是从金融生态的角度来探讨安阳金融生态存在的问题以及解决这些问题的对策。本文在阐述了金融生态概念的基础上,通过对安阳的经济基础、金融自身结构发展、政府行为、金融中介组织、信用环境和民间融资等六方面的问题分析,总结了影响安阳金融生态环境的主要原因。最后提出改善安阳生态环境的策略建议。关键词: 安阳,金融生态环境,对策建议 Abstract Zhou Xiaochuan, the President of the People ’s Bank of China, had first officially put forward the concept of“ Financial Ecology ” in 2004 , Followed by domestic financial ecological issue has e one of the hot research economists 。 Finance is the lifeblood of the urban economy, the financial ecology is the foundation of urban development 。 Ina sense, the financial ecology petitive, improve petitiveness, we must first improve the financial ecological problems 。 Focus of this study is from the perspective of financial ecology explore Anyang financial II ecological problems and the countermeasures to solve these problems. This paper describes the concept of financial ecology, based on economic fundamentals through Anyang, development finance its structure, government action, financial intermediaries, credit financing and other six environmental and civil aspects of the problem analysis, summed up the impact of the financial environment in Anyang the main reason. Finally a strategy to improve the ecological environment Anyang mendations. Keywords: Anyang, financial ecological environment, Suggestions 目录 1 、引言............................................................................................................................................... 1 选题的背景.......................................................................................................................... 1 选题的意义.......................................................................................................................... 2 2 、金融生态的概述...............


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