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p3.2.4.studentresource - weebly.docx

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/5/15 文件大小:0 KB


p3.2.4.studentresource - weebly.docx



文档介绍:? 2009 Project Lead The Way, Inc. HBS Activity Student Resource Sheet: Hans Spielman – Page 1 Activity : PLTW Nutrition – Client Report for Hans Spielman Client Name : Hans Spielman Health History (including any specific health goals) : Hans Spielman isa 22-year-old college senior who has not worried much about his weight in the past four years. He has never been involved in sports and he rarely exercises. He would prefer to walk from his campus apartment to class, but he is often running so late, he just takes his car. Hans spends countless hours a day in the library or in his apartment at puter. He reports snacking constantly, although many times he does reach for fruit or nuts. Hans is allergic to seafood. He will cook most nights of the week, but he sticks mainly to pasta, hamburgers, and frozen pizza. He does not have time to prepare side dishes or vegetables. Hans has a strong family history of cardiovascular disease. His father died ofa stroke at age 39 and his maternal grandmother has battled high blood pressure for years. His mother runs marathons and is in perfect health. His uncle just found out that his routine colonoscopy revealed some cancerous polyps. There is no family history of diabetes. Recent lab work revealed that Hans ’ LDL cholesterol is 162 and his HDL cholesterol is 39. His triglycerides are 180. His average resting blood pressure was 130/80.


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