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Introduction of Bali
Spot in Bali
of Bali
Food in Bali
Bali in Indonesia is a popular tourist region, is small east Java in the Sunda Islands, is an island with an area of about more than 5560 km, a population of about million. West of Jakarta, the capital of Bali, about more than 1000 km, with the capital of Jakarta where the Java island across the sea, only km away from.
2. Scenic Spot
A. southern part
Comfortable  beach
Tanah Lot (海神庙)
Tanah Lot is one of the best places to view the sunset
Tanah Lot is a rock formation off the Indonesian island of Bali. It is home of a pilgrimage temple and a popular tourist and cultural icon for photography and general exoticism.
Tanah Lot
Jimbaran(金巴兰) beach
It is the most kind and friendly beach in Bali. Once, there is a small fishing village.
Seafood BBQ deeply loved by Asian customers.
The most common seafood in Bali is Mahi Mahi(鬼头刀).
B. middle part
It is the Bali cultural center
One of the most worth mentioning is Ubud
Ubud SPA is also can be recommended
 Situated in the hills 20km north of Denpasar(登巴萨), Ubud is the art and cultural center of Bali. In Ubud itself, the Puri Lukisan Museum(画宫博物馆) displays fine examples of all schools of Balinese art in a beautiful garden setting. There are several other quality galleries such as Museum Neka(内卡美术馆), which features work of some Western artists who have painted in Bali, and Agung Rai Gallery, a commercial operation which also houses a small, but important, permanent collection.
Ubud terrace
Ubud Market


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