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文档介绍:跨国公司的国际人权责任研究 摘要 伴随着跨国公司的日益发展壮大,跨国公司破坏环境、侵犯劳工权益等违反国际人权法的现象频频发生。跨国公司的人权责任问题引起国际社会的广泛关注,成为当今国际法研究的新课题。目前国际上对于跨国公司国际人权责任的规制主要可以分为两种模式: 一种是跨国公司的内部规制模式;一种是来自东道国、母国还有国际组织、私人团体的外部规制模式。然而,东道国对跨国公司的规制心有余而力不足,母国虽有能力却大多不愿意积极地规制跨国公司在海外的行为。来自非政府组织的监督和跨国公司的自律尚不足以成为其承担人权责任的有效保障。因此如何强化跨国公司人权责任的国际法规制, 便成为一项重要的研究内容。笔者试图通过对跨国公司在特定领域已经具有国际法主体地位等特征的分析,并借鉴国外的理论与实践经验,采用历史与逻辑,一般与个别,分析与综合的方法,系统地对国际法规制方式进行研究,得出结论认为将跨国公司的人权责任纳入 WTO 的争端解决机制框架是现阶段一个可行的选择。中国对于跨国公司的行为的规制有待完善, 使其在追求利润最大化与承担人权责任二者之间达到一个很好的平衡。关键词: 跨国公司,人权责任,国际法规制,东道国,母国 THE RESEARCH ON HUMAN RIGHTS RESPONSIBILITIES OF TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS ABSTRACT With the development of tran snational corporations, the phenomenon of destroying the envi ronment, violating labor rights and other violations of inte rnational human rights law by transnational corporations fre quently occurs. Human rights responsibilities of transnational cor porations have aroused extensive attention from the munity. How to make transnational corporations assu me the responsibility of the international human rights is what we need to resolve. The current regulation of transnational corpora tions in international human rights system can mainly be divided in to two modes: one mode is the internal regulation of transnationa l corporations; the other one is external regulation from the host countries, home countries, anizations, private groups. However, the host country doesn’t have capacity to regulate the conduct of transnational corporations and mo st home countries are unwilling to regulate it. Supervision and se lf-regulation of transnational corporations from non-governmental organizations is still not enough to e an effective way to protect human rights, so how to strengthen the human rights responsibilities of transnational corporations in international law system has e an important research content. I tried to analyze the nature of transnational corporations and its status in international law and dr aw on foreign experie


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