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上传人:业精于勤 2021/2/17 文件大小:16 KB






  In the class he has been a life member of the post,usually serious and responsible us in the office freshman student branch offices and student apartment management work,I have been very serious and responsible,on time and quality and quantity to complete the task account above,and be able to do correct study and work,he was awarded the honorary title of outstanding Director Student Apartment Management actively participated in various cultural and sports activities in the school aerobics competition,and won the good results of the first three,also participated in 1000 meters relay race around the city,and won the good results of the first organizations actively participated in various cultural activities,such as computer festival,welcome party and others have been performing on stage.
  Xx as computer classes in the sophomore class teacher assistant,helping faster understanding of the school,adapting to school,I do not understand when they encounter can give timely my sophomore year from the original group,deputy director of the Office of the Federation he rose to the post of Shihai served as branch student branch publicity committee,members of the House floor apartment sophomore went to Yunnan to support education,learned a lot.
  Branch Xuegong Ban junior year as


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