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上传人:业精于勤 2021/2/20 文件大小:20 KB






  Feb 25, 2021
  My fellow Koreans and seven million fellow compatriots overseas,
  As I take office as the 18thterm President of the Republic of Korea, I stand before you today determined to open a new era of hope.
  I am profoundly grateful to the Korean people for entrusting this historic mission to me. I also thank President Lee Myungbak, former Presidents, dignitaries who have come from abroad to celebrate this occasion, and other distinguished guests for their presence.
  As President of the Republic of Korea, I will live up to the will of the people by achieving economic rejuvenation, the happiness of the people, and the flourishing of our culture.
  I will do my utmost to building a Republic of Korea that is prosperous and where happiness is felt by all Koreans.
  Fellow citizens,
  The Republic of Korea as we know it today has been built on the blood, toil, and sweat of the people.
  We have written a new history of extraordinary achievement combining industrialization and democratization d on the unwavering “can do” spirit of our people and matching resolve.
  The Korean saga that is often referred to as the “Miracle on the Han River” was written on the heels of our citizens who worked tirelessly in the mines of Germany, in the torrid deserts of the Middle East, in factories and laboratories where the lights were never turned off, and in the freezing frontlines safeguarding our national defense.
  This miracle was only possible due to the outstanding caliber of our people and their unstinting devotion to both family and country.
  I pay my heartfelt tribute to all fellow Koreans who have made the Republic of Korea what it is today.
  Fellow citizens,
  Throughout the vortex of our turbulent contemporary history we always prevailed over countless hardships and adversities.
  Today, we are confronted anew with a global economic c


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