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Kobe Bryant
Kobe Bryant: American NBA basketball player, is now playing for the Los Angeles Lakers, the secretary shooting guard, once thought to be the most powerful American basketball player.
Alias : Mc Fly
Birthday : August 23, 1978
Height : meters
Weight : 93kg
Constellation : Virgin Block(处女座)
"Bryant" from the name of an Italian style steak,
at 420 lire (in local as a relatively premium prices)
Birthplace : Pennsylvania Philadelphia
宾夕法尼亚州 费城
In November 1999, 21 year old Bryant met 17 year old Vanessa Laine
while she was working as a background dancer on a music video.
Love and family
They married on April 18, 2001 in Dana Point, California.
There were only about 12 guests at the wedding. Neither Bryant's
parents, his two sisters, and longtime advisor,
nor Bryant's Laker teammates attended
The Bryants' first child, a daughter named Natalia
Diamante Bryant, was born on January 19, 2003.
Their second daughter, Gianna Maria-Onore Bryant Bryant,
was born on May 1, 2006.
Kobe Bryant was sink into divorce storm in years of marriage and Vanessa had come to an end.
About Divorce
But now they composite , this is what Kobe’ fans expect
Kobe's BasketballExperiece
Kobe's Team
Main Honours
Five times the NBA championship (2000、2001、2002、2009、2010)
IN 2006 and 2007 winning the NBA scoring title twice
IN2002, 2007, 2009 and 2011 winning the MVP in all star game
IN 2008 winning the most valuable player in Regular Season
IN2009、2010 winning the most valuable player in the NBA finals
IN2008、2012 winning the Olympic champion
Kobe, the hero in my eyes!
He loves basketball as his life, his friend. He plays it by heart.


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