学 院:机械工程学院
专 业:工业设计
The impact of ''3r'' principles to industrial design
While industrial design creates modem life and living surroundings for people, it also accelerates the exhaustion of the natural resources and the energy resources. Besides, it has done harm to the ecological balance, and threatened the existence and the sustainable development of human beings. Confront with this situation, the strategy of sustainable development, proposed in 1990s, is accepted by many people. Recycling economy and its key point, "3r" principle, were born for this situation and become important principle in all kinds of economic activities and in the area of design and manufacture. By decoding the connotation of "3r" principle, the article analyzes the influence and the guidance over industrial design of "3r'' principle. Furthermore, the article tries to discuss the conception of redesign, which is the extension of the "3r'' principle in the area of industrial design, and explicates 4R principle of industrial design for recycling economy at last.
Industrial design as a cross-cutting technology and the arts disciplines, it is closely related to the economy and to maintain its development and progress of society. It can be summarized: First, it services for industrial mass production, making industrial products enhance the value and value-added. Second, It leads the fashion, to effectively stimulate consumption, so that consumers not only use the product at the same time, but also enjoy the new technology and material; Third, it puts technology to link up with the market, making products enhance competitiveness; Last but not the least, it can bring the innovation into the enterprise. Therefore, the economic development needs industrial design which has become indispensable to the country's economic construction .
However, along with the traditional industrial design creating high-quality modern lifestyle and living environme