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上传人:sanshenglu2 2021/2/21 文件大小:115 KB





文档介绍:摘 要
关键词:托管经营 激励制度
Enterprise’s entrustment is a new reformatory mode,which is benefit to asset reorganization,and could realize the reformatory objective of state-owned enterprises; Is conducive to professional management companies the growth of talent and professional formation of an entrepreneurial class of enterprise property rights reform so as to create the conditions for direct and strong impetus; Enterprise hosting business assets will also help speed up the restructuring process, the objectives of the reform of enterprises, The establishment of clear property rights, powers and responsibilities clearly, separating government from enterprises, scientific management of modern enterprise paper is on special steel for the North Qiqihar limited liability company operating the meaning of the Trusteeship Council, characteristics, roles and procedures related to the theoretical foundation and basis for understanding the current North Steel Group of the implementation of enterprise hosting business and its need for the status quo.
It also reveals the North Steel Group in the implementation of care management at the same time the emergence of some issues, including the hosting of property rights, assets evaluation, the distribution of benefits and risk methods, such as hosting fees charged, And these issues and explore in-depth analysis, the paper finally to improve the North Steel Group made a number of care system views and suggestions, pointing out the ent


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