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上传人:读书百遍 2021/2/21 文件大小:20 KB




文档介绍:[大学生英语六级听力材料] 英语六级听力材料

  复****历年大学生英语六级听力,对于备考的同学来说是主要的步骤。下面是xx给大家整理的大学生英语六级听力的相关知识,供大家参阅!  大学生英语六级听力1
  11. A) Surfing the net. B) Watching a talk show.
  C) Packing a birthday gift. D) Shopping at a jewelry store.
  30. A) Women. B) Prisoners. C) Manual workers. D) School age children.
  31. A) He taught his students how to pronounce the letters first.
  B) He matched the letters with the sounds familiar to the learners.
  C) He showed the learners how to combine the letters into simple words.
  D) He divided the letters into groups according to the way they are written.
  32. A) It Can help people to become literate within a short time.
  B) It was originally designed for teaching the English language.
  C) It enables the learners to master a language within three months.
  D) It is effective in teaching any alphabetical language to Brazilians. Passage Three
  33. A) The crop’s blooming period is delayed. B) The roots of crops are cut off.
  C) The topsoil is seriously damaged. D)The growth of weeds is accelerated.
  34. A) It’s a new way of applying chemical fertilizer.
  B) It’s an improved method of harvesting crops.
  C) It’s a creative technique for saving labor.
  D) It’s a farming process limiting the use of ploughs.
  35. A) In areas with few weeds and unwanted plants.
  B) In areas with a severe shortage of water.
  C) In areas lacking in chemical fertilizer.
  D) In areas dependent on imported food.
  Adults are getting smarter about how smart babies are. Not long ago, researchers
  learned that 4-day-oldscould understand (36)____ and subtraction. Now, British research
  (37) ____Graham Schafer has discovered that infants can learn words for uncommon things long before they can speak. He found that 9-month-old infants could be taught, through repeated show-and-tell, to (38) _______the names of objects that were foreign to them, a result that(39)________in some ways the received (40)______that, apart from l