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  大学英语四级听力真题,历年全部有哪些呢?下面是xx给大家整理的大学英语四级听力真题,供大家参阅!  大学英语四级考试(CET4)历年真题听力2021年12月英语四级真题听力原文
  Question 1
  M: After high school, I’d like to go to college and major in business administration.
  W: But I’d rather spend my college days finding out how children learn.
  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
  Question 2
  W: Is everything ready for the conference?
  M: The only thing left to do is set up the microphones and speakers. They'll be here in a few minutes.
  Q: What preparations have yet to be made?
  Question 3
  W: Is it almost time to go home now? I'm so tired. I can hardly see straight.
  M: Just a few more minutes, then we can go.
  Q: What is the woman’s problem?
  Question 4
  W: I'm not sure what I’m in a mood for. Ice-cream or sandwiches? They are both really good here.
  M: The movie starts in an hour. And we still have to get there and park. So just make a decision.
  Q: What does the man mean?
  Question 5
  W: Tom said he would come to repair our solar heater when he has time.
  M: He often says he is willing to help, but he never seems to have time.
  Q: What does the man imply about Tom?
  Question 6
  W: So you know that Sam turns down the job offered by the travel agency.
  M: Yes. The hours were convenient. But if he had accepted it, he wouldn’t be able to make ends meet.
  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
  Question 7
  M: Could you tell me a bit about the business your company is doing?
  W: We mainly deal with large volume buyers from western countries and our products have been well received.
  Q: What business is the woman’s company doing?
  Question 8
  W: Yesterday I made reservations for my trip to Miami next month.
  M: You must really be looking forward to it. You haven’t had any time off for at least two years.
  Q: What is the woman going to do?
  M: Excuse me, I need some information about some of the towns near here.
  W: What would


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