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弗洛伊德精神分析方法的文学批评 PPT课件.ppt

上传人:小马皮皮 2016/5/16 文件大小:0 KB


弗洛伊德精神分析方法的文学批评 PPT课件.ppt



文档介绍:The Psychological Approach: ments of the psychological approach ? The most controversial, most abused, and least appreciated by many readers. ? It can be fascinating and rewarding. Purpose ? To account briefly for the misunderstanding of psychological criticism ? To outline the psychological theory most commonly used as an interpretive tool by modern critics ? To show by examples how readers may apply this mode of interpretation to enhance their understanding and appreciation of literature Limitations ? Aesthetic inadequacy ? It can afford many profound clues toward solving a work ’ s thematic and symbolic mysteries, but it can seldom account for the beautiful symmetry of a well-wrought poem or of a fictional masterpiece. Abuses and misunderstandings of the Psychological Approach ? There are 3 abuses of the approach during the twentieth century. ? These abuses have given rise to a widespread mistrust of the psychological approach as a tool for critical analysis. Freud ’ s theory ? Iceberg theory ? He demonstrated that, like the iceberg, the human mind is structured so that its great weight and density lie beneath the surface (below the level of consciousness) Three premises ? That the most of the individual ’ s mental processes are unconscious ? All human behavior is motivated ultimately by what we could call sexuality ? Because of the powerful social taboos attached to certain sexual impulses, many of our desires and memories are repressed. Several corollaries of Freudian theory ? Three psychic zones: the id, the ego and the superego Several corollaries of Freudian theory ? Perhaps the most controversial (and, to many persons, the most offensive) facet of psychoanalytic criticism is its tendency to interpret imagery in terms of sexuality Several corollaries of Freudian theory ? Child psychology ? Different stages: ? Oral stage ? Anal stage ? Phallic stage ? Latency stage ? Genital stage plex derives from the b


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