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酒店管理英语听说教程Unit2 Concierge Service.ppt

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酒店管理英语听说教程Unit2 Concierge Service.ppt

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酒店管理英语听说教程Unit2 Concierge Service.ppt



范广丽 袁立辉 主编
ISBN:978-7-5663-0385-1 2012年9月 北京第1版
Unit 2 Concierge Service
Part A Phonetics:
Monophthongs 单元音—The Front Vowels 前元音[e][æ]
Part B Listening In: On Tips
Part C Speaking Out: Concierge’s Work
Part D Further Listening
Part A Phonetics: Monophthongs 单元音—The Front Vowels 前元音[e] [æ]
Page 9
Task 1 [e]
Task 2 [æ]
Task 3 Words
Task 4 Phrases
Task 5 Sentences
Unit 2
Part B Listening In: On Tips
Page 10
New Words
ticket n. 罚单
accompany with 伴有,带有
shiver vi.  颤动,发抖
nationality n. 国籍,民族
news agency 通讯社
augment vt. 增加
Unit 2
Task 1 Short Conversations
1. W: Hi, Alice. Did you get a letter from your family?
M: Not today. I just wrote them the day before yesterday, so I’m not really expecting to hear from them until next month.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
D. Alice won’t receive any letter from her family very soon.
2. W: I don’t understand how you got a ticket, I always thought you were a careful driver.
M: I usually am, but I thought I could make it before the light turned.
Q: Why did the man get the ticket?
B. He ran a red light.
3. W: It’s been very cold in the past two days.
M: We haven’t seen the worst of it yet. More snow it forecasted for next week accompanied with strong winds.
Q: What will the weather be like?
A. Cold and windy.
Unit 2
4. M: Did you enjoy your trip to the ocean today?
W: Yes, but I shivered for half an hour after I came out of the water.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
C. She felt cold.
5. M: Excuse me, it this seat taken?
W: I don’t think so. That man has got his books and notes and left a few minutes ago.
Q: Where does the conversation most likely take place?
B. In the library.
Unit 2
Part B Listening In: On Tips
Page 11
Task 2 Long Conversation
Unit 2
Bob: Hello.
Amy: Hello.
Bob: Are you from England?
Amy: No, I’m from America. Where are you from?
Bob: I live in Paris, but I’m