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酒店管理英语听说教程Unit3 Floor Attendance.ppt

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酒店管理英语听说教程Unit3 Floor Attendance.ppt

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酒店管理英语听说教程Unit3 Floor Attendance.ppt



范广丽 袁立辉 主编
ISBN:978-7-5663-0385-1 2012年9月 北京第1版
Unit 3 Floor Attendance
Part A Phonetics:
Monophthongs 单元音—The Central Vowels中元音[ʌ] [ə] [ə:]
Part B Listening In: Floor Service
Part C Speaking Out: A Room with a King-Size Bed
Part D: Further Listening
Part A Phonetics: Monophthongs 单元音—The Central Vowels中元音[ʌ] [ə] [ə:]
Page 17
Task 1 [ʌ]
Task 2 [ə]
Task 3 [ə:]
Task 4 Words
Task 5 Phrases
Task 6 Sentences
Unit 3
Part B Listening In: Floor Service
Page 19
New Words
ripe adj.  成熟的
orchard n. 果园
nerve n.  神经
embarrassment n. 尴尬,难堪
encounter v. 遇到,偶然碰到
Unit 3
Task 1 Short Conversations
1. M: I have an extra ticket to the cinema tonight. Would you like to come along?
W: Thanks, but I have already got my own ticket, perhaps you can sell the other one at the door.
Q: What does the woman suggest?
D. Trying to sell the ticket.
2. W: Here is my application form.
M: Would you please wait in a line to recall your number?
Q: What does the man ask the woman to do?
A. To wait for her turn.
3. W: These tomatoes are huge! You must water them a lot.
M: Yes, I did. They ought to be ripe enough to pick by next Friday when we have our picnic.
Q: Where did this conversation most likely take place?
C. In a garden.
Unit 3
4. M: The chemistry assignment is difficult. I worked all night and I couldn’t finish it.
W: You worked all night, it took me only thirty minutes!
Q: Why is the woman surprised?
D. She found it hard to believe so much time the man had spent.
5. M: What would you say to have a cup of coffee?
W: Great idea!
Q: What does the woman suggest?
C. She’d like some coffee.
Unit 3
Part B Listening In: Floor Service
Page 20
Task 2 Long Conversation
Unit 3
May: David, I would like to introduce my teacher Miss Smith to you. Shall we go and see her now?
David: Good. Let’s go.
May: Miss Smith, this is my friend David. David, this is my teacher Miss


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