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酒店管理英语听说教程Unit8 Emergency.ppt

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酒店管理英语听说教程Unit8 Emergency.ppt


范广丽 袁立辉 主编
ISBN:978-7-5663-0385-1 2012年9月 北京第1版
Unit 8 Emergency
Part A Phonetics: The Diphthongs双元音—
The Centering Diphthongs集中双元音[iə] [ɛə][uə]
Part B Listening In: In Case of An Emergency
Part C Speaking Out: Fire Preventing and Fire Fighting
Part D: Further Listening
Part A Phonetics: The Diphthongs双元音—The Centering Diphthongs集中双元音[iə] [ɛə] [uə]
Page 61
Task 1 [iə]
Task 2 [ɛə]
Task 3 [uə]
Task 4 Words
Task 5 Phrases
Task 6 Sentences
Unit 8
Part B Listening In: In Case of An Emergency
Page 63
New Words
seed n. 种子
in case 万一,如果
predict vt.  预报,预测
typical adj.   特有的,典型的
end up 结束,告终
Detroit n.   底特律(美国城市)
ventilation n. 通风,通风设备
ice bucket 冰桶
pail n. 桶
Unit 8
Task 1 Short Conversations
1. W: I’ll get some soft drink. Do you want anything?
M: No. I’ll just drink the iced tea I have with me. Thanks for the offer anyway.
Q: What will the man probably do?
B. Drink what he has brought with him.
2. M: Where shall I plant these seeds, Betty?
W: Let me see. In front of the house? No, I think right here would be better because they grow very fast.
Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place?
B. In the garden.
3. M: Paul wants to move to California and find a job there.
W: I hope he can work here in New York. He’s our only child.
Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
C. Husband and wife.
Unit 8
4. M: If Mr. and Mrs. Smith don’t come to the party, we’ll have 8.
W: Let’s invite two more just in case.
Q: If everyone comes, how many people will join the party?
A. 10.
5. W: I like Jack’s home town very much. It is really nice.
M: Yes, but Tom’s is nicer, I think.
Q: Whose home town does the man like better?
C. Tom’s.
Unit 8
Part B Listening In: In Case of An Emergency
Page 64
Task 2 Long Conversation
Unit 8
W: Oh, I wish that bus would come! My feet are freez