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上传人:raojun00001 2021/2/23 文件大小:28 KB





奖学金申请英文自我评价篇一 In life, I am simple and frugal ﹑ cheerful, strict self-discipline, to be strict with others to set a good example. In the usual life, I am also happy to help students, whether in learning or in life, or in the ideological difficulties, the students are willing to work with the students, and I am willing to work with the students, I communicate and get my opinion.
As the family economic situation is not very good, I go out in the holiday part-time, to reduce the burden on the family. Has made a leaflet, done promoters, had been tutoring and so on.
Although my family s economic situation is not very good, but I have not given up efforts. I have always been an example to the advanced students, and strive to reduce the gap between us. In the university a year of study and life, I have made great progress in all aspects, academic performance and overall quality and other aspects have been greatly improved. I would like to thank the leaders for their great efforts and professional guidance, as well as the students in the work and life to my support and help. In the coming days, I want to be more stringent standards? Requirements to motivate themselves, spur their own, in order to have a
better performance.
奖学金申请英文自我评价篇二 After the freshman year, I hold the love of learning, hard work, to establ


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