题 目 天钳■
学生名字 墾
专业班级 2013级产品设计(2)班 学 号 541390090206
院(系) 易斯顿美术学院
指导老师 徐楠 完成时间2016年5月1日
不同的时代会出现不同的家电,随着时代的推移,物资生活中人 们的需求和审美也在不断改变。所以每个时代的设计师都有不同的 设计理念,每个时代的设计背景也不一样,随着人文科技的不断进步, 我们的目光也看得越来越远。
现在我们要把思维穿越时空去未来的世界旅行,并立足当代用天马行 空的想象力去创造未来的美好世界。
目前中国社会在高速发展的互联网推动下,许多旧行业都已经发 生了本质的变化,互联网+已经是不可避免的趋势。科学技术日新月 异的时代,跨行业设计让各个行业的产品都不再独立存在,多功能的 设计已经是随处可见。在物质充足的条件下,文化软实力也在飞速发 展,生活中的人们对生活用品的情感化设计也越来越重视了,在智能 化的背景下,生命与家电的话题多次被提及,而人们每天都需要使用 的家电行业,则急需一场翻天覆地的家电革命,只有打破传统、推陈 出新才能在未来的家电市场立足。
Different times will be different appliances, with the passage of time, the material life of people's needs and aesthetic is also constantly changing・ So every era of designers have different design concepts, the design background of each era is not the same, with the continuous progress of human science and technology, we also see more and more dis tant.
Now we have to thinking through time and space to travel in the future of the world, and based on the contemporary fanciful imagination to create the bright future of the world・
At present China society in the rapid development of the Internet to promote, many old industries have changed the nature, Internet plus is inevitable・ Science and technology with each passing day, cross industry design so that each industry's products are no longer exist, the design is everywhere・ In sufficierrt material conditions, cultural soft power also in rapid developmerrt, people living in the emotional design in life activities pay more and more attention to the, in the context of the intelligent, the topic of life and home appliance was mentioned several times, and every day people need the use of household electrical appliance industry, need a tremendous appliances revolution, only to break the traditional, innovation in order to in the future of home appliances market based・
Key words:Future Life Household electrical appliances
第一章:绪论 1
第一节设计简介 1
第二节核心要素 1
第二章:课题研究 1
第一节时代缩影 1
第二节设计背景 3