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《Module 3 Activities》教学设计.doc

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《Module 3 Activities》教学设计.doc



文档介绍:Unit 1 She's writing a letter.
  I. Warmer
   the ss that you are going to tell them what to mime and they have to do it.
   by giving the structions and doing the mimes yourselves and getting the ss to copy you.
   give them instructions and get them to do it by  example,you will say“mime taking a picture”and they have to mime it.
   the ss into s gives the intruductions and the other s do the mimes.
  II. Listen and point.
  1. Tell the ss to close their books.
   them that you are going to play the tape and they are going to hear four actions(taking a picture,watching TV,reading a book,writing a letter).
   them that when they hear the actions,they have to mime doing this.
   through a mime for each of the four actionsso that the ss are clear what they ahave to do.
   play the ss listen and do the may want to do it more than once.
   get the ss to open the and point at the pictures as they listen.
  III. Point and say.
   four ss to the front of the classroom.
   in their ear one thing each that they should mime doing.
   them to mime the activities in front of the classroom.
   the rest of the class to tell you what mimes they are doing.
   you can do the activity in the ss can work s points at a picture and the other s says who it is and what he/she is doing.
  VI. Extension Activity 1
   the ss to choose an activity and to draw a simple picture of the  tell the ss that you are going to call out activities .If they have drawn the picture to represent that activity,they should stand up and hold the picture.
  2. Continue like this and after a while,get them to swap pictures so they have a diffrent picture and have to listen for different verbs.
  Unit 2 What are you doi