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文档介绍:兰州交通大学毕业设计(论文) 1 兰州交通大学毕业设计土木工程学院桥梁工程土木 076 班李小刚 I 摘要本毕业设计的对象为一座 3× 30m 简支梁桥,该桥位于长寿北部新区, 跨越桃花溪。桥梁平面位于直线段上, 全长 100 米, 宽度 32米, 设计荷载为公路-I 级。主梁横向由 14片T 梁组成,梁高均为 ,两片梁之间设置 60cm 宽现浇湿接缝。本桥采用桩柱式桥墩,直径 的圆形截面墩柱及直径 的圆形截面钻孔灌注桩,桩基础嵌入完整中风化基岩面 m 以下;采用重力式 U 型桥台,桥台基础为直径 的钻孔灌注桩基础。桥梁上部结构采用 M idas 程序进行分析计算,分析模型为单片简支 T 梁,仅分析一片边梁,中梁偏安全的采用边梁的分析结果来进行验算。横向分布系数通过桥梁博士 计算完成。内力计算结果包括基本组合、长期组合及短期组合作用下的弯矩图、剪力图、最大应力图。根据内力计算结果,对主梁进行了承载能力及正常使用性能的验算。盖梁承载能力验算及裂缝宽度验算与抗剪验算、墩柱承载力验算及裂缝宽度验算、桩基承载力验算及裂缝宽度验算均由自编计算机程序计算完成,墩柱与桩基的水平位移及其它效应由桥梁博士 计算完成。根据验算结果得出结论:设计的桥梁结构是安全、经济、合理的,并满足现行规范的要求。关键词:桥梁;荷载组合;内力;验算;承载能力 1 Abstract The object in this graduation project isa simply supported three-span girder bridge (3× 30m ) in New Zone of Changshou North and straddles Taohua S tream. The b ridge is straight on the plane with 100 metres in length and 32 meters in width .The bridge isa part ofa highway wh ich the design load is Highway-I-level. The main b eam is made up of 14T -beams that are m high and the adjacent beams are linked by pouring wet joint with 60cm in width between the two beams .S ubstructure is made up ofc ircular section piers with a diameter of and c ircular section b ored p ouring p ile foundation with a diameter of m, the pilings of foundation are embedded into the intack moderately differentiated rock with a depth of . T he concrete gravity abutment is high with a type ofU and supported byp ile foundation . A nalysis ofs uperstructure in the bridge be done by using Midas Civil Trial 2006. S imply supported single T -beam is used as analysis model in the program , only one edge beam is analyse d and the mid beam using the same result in analyzing on safe side. Transverse distributing coefficient can be export ed by using Dr bridge 3 .0. The calculation s include bending moment diagram, shear force diagram and maximum stress under basic / long-term / short-term bination . According to the calculations, checking of capacity and performance of normal use o


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