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上传人:阿哈哈哈吧哈哈哈 2021/2/25 文件大小:41 KB




In the movie, Sam uses lyrics of the Beatles’ songs to express what he wants to say many times. So why is San so familiar with “The Beatles” ? One important reason is that although Sam’s intellectual capacity is around a 7-year-old , he has his own understanding in Beatles’ songs and quite loves it .Profound knowledge and high intelligence are not required in the world of music where you can be affected unknowingly by others’ passion. Besides, the lyrics of many songs produced by Beatles are rather simple to understand without difficult words, especially for Sam who has such a small vocabulary. Another 不可忽略 reason for Sam’s admiration for Beatles is from Annie who is excellent at music. You see, Sam and Annie have a good relationship and Sam seems to have found a partner with the same interests in Beatles and also a teacher he can consult about his puzzles just like what Mr. Turner says “he’s knocking on your door asking questions all the time .” Annie’s genuine support makes Sam know more about Beatles.
Sam is held back by his low capacity to appropriately express himself with a range of possible behaviors. In other words, he fails to organize his own words and use some communication techniques. So when facing challenging questions, Sam has to quote some lyrics of Beatles as powerful evidence. It should be noticed that there are four impo


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