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1、A. holiday B. some C. come D. cover
2、A. thousand B. surround C. cloudy D. should
3、A. great B. fate C. palace D. grade
4、A. move B. notice C. motor D. whole
5、A. choose B. flood C. spoon D. food
6、There was no bus. I have to walk (had )
A. no B. have C. to walk D. home
7、She has read the article last. (readed)
A. has read B. the C. article D. last
8、We set up a lot of universities since 1949. We have also set up a Central Radio and Television
A. set up B. since C. also D. a
9、By now Old Wang worked in that factory for twenty years. 应该用现在完成时
A. worked B. in C. that D. for
10、Now that they have successfully passed the TOEFL, the students were ready to begin their classes at the university.
A. Now that B. successfully C. were D. to begin
9、Hangzhou is the most beautiful city I (see)
A. the B. most C. city D. saw
11、It _____ the eyes to read in such poor 。
A. hurts B. hurt C. has hurt D. is hurt
12、The small boy kept _____his mother for a penny(便士), so she gave him and he ran to the candy shop. Keep asking(问的意思)
A. ask B. to ask C. asked D. asking
13、He had two houses. He lived with his wife and child in the outer(远离中心的) house,_____ was comfortable(舒适的) and
A. that B. where C. which D. it
14、As I opened the door and went in, the children _____ on the bed
A. were sitting B. sat C. are sitting D. sit
15、He had four copies of this article_____ in black.
A. typing B. typed C. to be typed D. type
16、They that place before the earthquake took
A. left B. had left C. would leave D. have left
17、Yesterday morning she _______ one of her old friends in the street.
A. looked up B. built up C. led to D. came across(偶遇)
18、Please don't get angry with him. _______


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