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托福写作批改点评 第23期-科技是否让地球更适合居住? 托福写作.docx

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托福写作批改点评 第23期-科技是否让地球更适合居住? 托福写作.docx

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托福写作批改点评 第23期-科技是否让地球更适合居住? 托福写作.docx



托福写作批改点评 第23期:科技是否让地球更适合居住?_托福写作

Technology has made the world a better place to live?

Target text(文章正文):

开头:Nowadays, no one can deny the fact that an increasing number of people tend to live a better and comfortable life brought by various technologies: computer, smart telephone, TV, washing machine, GPS. Thus, I definitely agree with the point that technology has made the world a better place to live which means that technology improve our standards of life and utterly change our lifestyle. I am going to show some of the important reasons to support my view. (I will explain my point of view with examples and reasoning in the following paragraphs)


Undeniably, an increasing number of technologies owning to the efforts of scientists and organizations have been replete with our life. When it comes to the function of various technologies, whether technology has passive effect on our life has been debated heavily among public. Some people reckon that people tend to live a better and comfortable life brought by technologies. While others hold the opposite point of view that many technologies may contaminate environment. As far as I concern, I prefer the former standpoint. I will explain my point of view with exam