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上传人:AIOPIO 2021/2/26 文件大小:18.90 MB




文档介绍:摘 要
关键词: 善尚瑜伽 形象 宣传

Qingdao is still good Yoga Club is "national yogi" designated Qingdao only training base, clubs to build development zone is the first professional, high-end yoga club.
Since Qingdao is still good Yoga Club for 2 years, when people do not understand grow. Many people know little about yoga, yoga is more of the function, what can bring to the customers, to improve our what is still in a confused area. This article is in this case, the Qingdao yoga clubs is good publicity, including the early planning, enterprise makes the positioning style, decoration style, marketing, personnel character, enterprise environment propaganda. At the same time, in view of the enterprise creative storyboarding script, also is the this article key planning. Finally, show business style through the visual function of media, publicity for the enterprises to make their own. To promote their yoga image, to promote their own corporate culture, let more people know about yoga, participate in yoga, improvement of enterprise environment. The success of the Qingdao Development Zone come first on the list of yoga training base, and thereby promote yoga culture, promote Qingdao shangshasn yoga club, let it become the cradle of Qingdao base of China Yoga club.
Keywords: but good Yoga Image promotion
目 录
前 言
(一) 地理环境介绍···································1
(二) 市场情况介绍···································2
(三) 目标消费者·····································3


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