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was not very _______ of you to sell the house. The price is increasing everyday. 这不是很明智的你要把房子卖了
A.  clear B.  friendly C.  wise明智的 D.  kind  
2 None of them spoke English _______ Sam.
A.  except B.  exception C.  except for D.  except of
3 It was difficult to guess what her ________ to the news would be. 很难想像她听了这个消息后会做出什么样的反应。
A.  comment B.  impression C.  opinion D.  reaction反应
4 Mr. Wang is an engineer _______ profession。王先生是一个工程师的职业
A.  at B.  on C.  by D.  with
5 The boy ______ the dog with a thick stick but the dog did not yield这个男孩赢得了狗与一个杠子但狗没有屈服
A.  came with B.  won over C.  won at D. came at
6 They were so far away that I couldn't _______ their faces clearly.
A.  make up B.  make at C.  make out辨认出 D.  see through
7 I didn't know what to do, but then an idea suddenly ________ to me. 我不知道要做什么,但是然后我忽然想起一个主意(A good idea suddenly occurred to 。)
A.  happened B.  occurred C.  emerged D.  appeared
8 Send us a message if you _______ any difficulty. 如果你遇到困难,就给我们发信息
A.  had B.  will have C.  have had D.  have  
9 Since we can't hear you at the back of the hall, you'll have to raise your voice. The race was so close that everyone was ________ at the finish. 因为我们大厅后面,你必须提高你的声音
. 比赛非常激烈,大家都屏住呼吸在终点
A.  working out B.  winning over C.  thinking of D.  holding his breath屏住呼吸
10 He is given answers that only _______ his confusion。他给出了自己的答案,只会增加混乱
A.  come with产生 B.  add with C.  come up发生 D.  add to 导致
1-5 CADDB 6-10 CBDDD
11 Inquiries ___ the condition of the patients may be made personally or by telephone.
A.  concerning关于 B.  affecting C.  following D.  revealing
12 This is a ____ argument.
13 He said he _______ return from Germany the next day.
A.   was to B.  is going to       C.  would go to