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上传人:小雄 2021/2/27 文件大小:71 KB





Man meets moisturiser
What are you doing in there?" So shouts my wife after I've spent getting on for 40 minutes in the bathroom. "I'm, er; exfoliating," I call back merrily, while walking my fingers along the pots and potions crowding the windowsill. Holy Saint Francis, as Friar Laurenee puts it in Romeo and Juliet, what a change is here! "你在里面折腾啥呢? ”我在卫生间呆了
足足40分钟后,我妻子在外大声喊道。“呵呵,正在去死皮呢,”我一边用手找摸窗台上堆 放的各种瓶瓶罐罐,一边愉快地回复道。就是《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Romeo and Juliet)中劳伦 斯神父(Friar Laurence)所说的Holy Saint Francis这类东西,如今的化妆品可谓琳琅满目,真是 今非昔比!
And not just here: men's beauty products ——moisturisers supposedly optimised for male skin and sold in butch-yet-metrosexual tubs in science-fictional silvers and blacks ——have bee n un dergoi ng a boom. According to Min tel, sales of men's skin care products rose last year to £, up from £ in 2012, and are forecast to reach £ in 2014. Men also appear to be hell-bent on not just washing but "clearising; not just rubbing but "gently massaging; on introducing the skin not just to water, but to a very superior scientific product called "aqua" And ——that holy grail, that precise incantation marking the line where the marketing departments of cosmetics companies fought the Advertising Standards Authority to a standstill — on "reducing the appearanee of wrinkles”. The comforting idea that, as men age, they become more attractive seems not to