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文档介绍:Why Operation and Maintenance?
Currently more than 259 systems in operation with a public investment of over $77 million
Experience has shown that passive systems have routine operational needs, have expected and often unexpected major maintenance requirements and will eventually need to be replaced
Failure to provide for OMR will result in the loss of restored water resources and public investment
Construction: Cost to build the treatment system.
O & M: Operation and maintenance activities including inspections, sampling, sample analysis, flushing, scheduled maintenance, and non-catastrophic unscheduled maintenance.
R: Single replacement of the system. Projected costs may approach original construction costs.
O, M & R: Combined operation, maintenance and replacement costs.
O, M & R Plan Should Include
Narrative describing O, M & R
Maintenance agreement with all parties, including property owners
O, M & R Site Map
Flushing points, sample points, BMPs
Site specific instructions
“As-built” plans
Long-term Cost Analysis
Information Sources: AMD
DEP/BAMR -actual construction and O & M costs for existing systems plus estimated replacement costs
NRCS - project bid cost plus estimated
O, M & R
Stream Restoration Inc. – estimated
O, M & R for existing projects
Hedin Environmental - estimated construction and long-term O, M & R for Babb Creek system
Average Annual Factors for AMD Treatment Systems *
Vertical Flow Systems.....…………..... 5%
Anoxic Limestone Drain Systems....... 4%
Compost Anaerobic wetlands............. 4%
Pyrolusite© Systems........................... 3%
Open limestone channels.................... 1%
Lime sand addition programs..….….... 33-50%
Automated lime doser......................... 13%
OMR Workgroup Average………….….4%
* Annual percentage of construction costs
Breakdown of O, M & R for Vertical Flow Systems
Routine operations (sampling,........... 20%
inspections, flushing)
Water sample lab analyses ...............